

作者:上海泽泉科技股份有限公司 2009-05-07T00:00 (访问量:3287)

2006年正式商业化的双通道PAM-100荧光仪——DUAL-PAM-100,是大名鼎鼎的PAM-101/102/103的升级版,是全球唯一可同步测量P700(PS I活性)和叶绿素荧光(PS II活性)的仪器,短短两年多时间里在全世界科研界得到广泛应用,发表了数十篇高水平科研论文。




* 野外或室内单独或同步测量叶绿素荧光和P700
* 两个光系统的诱导动力学曲线(包括快相和慢相)
* 两个光系统的快速光曲线和光响应曲线
* 淬灭分析、暗驰豫分析
* 典型的P700曲线测量
* 通过叶绿素荧光和P700的同步测量获知两个光系统的电子传递动力学、电子载体库的大小、围绕PSI 的环式电子传递动力学等

相当于两台PAM-101/ 102/ 103的功能,可同时测量光系统II活性(调制叶绿素荧光)和光系统I活性(P700吸收变化)可用于光合作用机理研究、植物生理学、农学、林学、园艺学等领域,特别适合于野外现场测量。

PS II参数:Fo, Fm, F, Fm’, Fv/Fm, Y(II)=△F/Fm’, Fo’, qP, qL, qN, NPQ, Y(NPQ), Y(NO)和ETR(II)等
PS I参数:P700, Pm, Pm’, P700red, Y(I), Y(ND), Y(NA)和ETR(I)等




同步测量叶绿素荧光(PS II)和P700(PS I)的诱导曲线


同步测量叶绿素荧光(PS II)和P700(PS I)的光响应曲线




* P700双波长测量光:LED,830 nm和870 nm
* PSII荧光测量光:LED,460 nm(DUAL-DB)或620 nm(DUAL-DR)
* 红色光化光:LED阵列,635 nm;最大连续光强2000 μmol m-2 s-1
* 蓝色光化光:LED,460 nm;最大连续光强700 μmol m-2 s-1
* 单周转饱和闪光(ST):200000 μmol m-2 s-1,5~50 μs可调
* 多周转饱和闪光(MT):20000 μmol m-2 s-1,1~1000 ms可调


1. Chen J, Xia X, Yin W. Expression profiling and functional characterization of a DREB2-type gene from Populus euphratica Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2009, 378:483-487.
2. Aronsson H, Schöttler MA, Kelly AA, Sundqvist C, Dörmann P, Karim S, Jarvis P. Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol deficiency in Arabidopsis affects pigment composition in the prolamellar body and impairs thylakoid membrane energization and photoprotection in leaves. Plant Physiology 2008, 148:580-592.
3. Bailey S, Melis A, Mackey KRM, Cardol P, Finazzi G, Dijken Gv, Berge GM, Arrigo K, Shrager J, Grossman A. Alternative photosynthetic electron flow to oxygen in marine Synechococcus Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2008, 1777:269-276.
4. Ehlert B, Schöttler MA, Tischendorf G, Ludwig-Müller J, Bock R. The paramutated SULFUREA locus of tomato is involved in auxin biosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Biology 2008:in press.
5. Ma W, Chen L, Wei L, Wang Q. Excitation energy transfer between photosystems in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 Journal of Luminescence 2008, 128:546-548.
6. Pfundel E, Klughammer C, Schreiber U. Monitoring the effects of reduced PS II antenna size on quantum yields of photosystems I and II using the Dual-PAM-100 measuring system. PAM Application Notes 2008, 1:21-24.
7. Rogalski M, Schöttler MA, Thiele W, Schulze WX, Bock R. Rpl33, a nonessential plastid-encoded ribosomal protein in tobacco, is required under cold stress conditions. The Plant Cell 2008, 20:2221-2237.
8. Schreiber U, Klughammer C. New accessory for the Dual-PAM-100: the P525/535 module and examples of its application. PAM Application Notes 2008, 1:1-10.
9. Schreiber U, Klughammer C. Saturation Pulse method for assessment of energy conversion in PS I. PAM Application Notes 2008, 1:11-14.
10. Schreiber U, Klughammer C. Non-photochemical fluorescence quenching and quantum yields in PS I and PS II: Analysis of heat-induced limitations using Maxi-Imaging-PAM and Dual-PAM-100. PAM Application Notes 2008, 1:15-18.
11. Xu M, Bernát G, Singh A, Mi H, Rögner M, Pakrasi HB, Ogawa T. Properties of mutants of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 lacking inorganic carbon sequestration systems. Plant Cell and Physiology 2008, 49:1672-1677.
12. Schöttler M, Flügel C, Thiele W, Stegemann S, Bock R. The plastome-encoded PsaJ subunit is required for efficient Photosystem I excitation, but not for plastocyanin oxidation in tobacco. Biochemical Journal 2007, 403:251-260.
13. Schöttler MA, Flügel C, Thiele W, Bock R. Knock-out of the plastid-encoded PetL subunit results in reduced stability and accelerated leaf age-dependent loss of the cytochrome b6f complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2007, 282:976-985.
14. Volkmer T, Schneider D, Bernát G, Kirchhoff H, Wenk S-O, Rögner M. Ssr2998 of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is involved in regulation of cyanobacterial electron transport and associated with the cytochrome b6f complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2007, 282:3730-3737.
15. Lohmann A, Schottler MA, Brehelin C, Kessler F, Bock R, Cahoon EB, Dormann P. Deficiency in phylloquinone (Vitamin K1) methylation affects prenyl quinone distribution, photosystem I abundance, and anthocyanin accumulation in the Arabidopsis AtmenG mutant. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2006, 281:40461-40472.

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